Other Programs
Westshore Food Box Program
Every month, Soroptimist International of Victoria Westshore provides food boxes to women and their families.
These are women who have had the strength to start over and rebuild. Many have had the opportunity to visit Anney’s Closet, our free store that provides them with household essentials to help them set up their home, and the food box is an extra boost of joy for these families.
Through our food box program, we’re able to provide them with pantry staples as well as fresh produce and meats.
Delivering these loads of groceries is the best thing about this program! It fills our hearts to see their appreciation, joy, and happiness.
Menstrual Equity
Public awareness has ignited a worldwide movement calling for free access to pads and tampons in all restrooms and public spaces.
Period poverty is a gender equality issue because free access to tampons and pads is as essential as access to toilet paper, soap and water, for a normal bodily function that affects half the population. Periods might be tough to talk about, but they are a fact of life.
The members of SIVW participate in a menstrual equity advocacy program called No Barriers. Period. designed to provide free access to pads and tampons in all restrooms and public spaces - especially schools, colleges, and universities.
Our goal is to stop the stigma, shame, and silence. Because a period should end a sentence, not an education.
Kiva Micro Loans
Kiva is a leader in online microlending, allowing lenders to loan as little as $25 USD to any of the entrepreneurs listed on the site in a safe and secure manner.
SIVW began microlending to women entrepreneurs around the world in 2010 with money we received as a chartering gift. Since then we have lent to 181 women and/or groups of women in countries worldwide.
SIVW has little more than $350 invested, yet we have been able to lend the funds over and over again. This is the nature of microlending. We receive updates on a regular basis about the women we’ve loaned to and see their lives change for the better.
Friendship Links
SIVW is connected with other clubs worldwide for friendship and greater impact.
Our newest Friendship Link is with SI Bangalore. We have enjoyed sharing video greetings and look forward to working together on projects.
We also have Friendship Links with SI Aquamarine Kure, Japan, and SI Masaka, Uganda. We have been the chief fundraiser for the Masaka club’s major project, for which the Aquamarine Kure, Japan club has also been a significant donor and supporter.
We formerly had Friendship Links with SI Kodaikanal, India and SI Plovdiv, Bulgaria, but unfortunately, both clubs withdrew from Soroptimist International.
International Projects
In 2012, after 3 years in development the SIster Pads Project, a partnership with SI Masaka, Uganda became a reality.
Custom-built machinery was designed by a Victoria-based design engineer, Jane Verrall, to manufacture banana fibre-filled pads, handcrafted by women for women in Masaka. Many other Soroptimist clubs and members donated to make this project happen.
The banana fibre itself is a cast off by-product of Uganda's banana industry. It was a challenge to produce a machine that could strip out the fibre and dry and fluff it to become filling. Each step was researched well, including the adhesives to hold the wrappings etc. together.
SIVW is proud to be part of this remarkable project! We are so pleased to have been in the right place at the right time to be able to play a role in this amazing project.
Project Funding
SIVW is about women helping women. One of the many ways that we help other women is through the provision of funds to support local and international projects.
SIVW sets an annual budget for local and international project funding, which can vary from year to year. Historically, projects have been considered on a case-by-case basis and funding levels have been decided upon accordingly.
SIVW has identified key priority areas for funding. These priority areas can change from year to year, depending on areas of interest, such as human trafficking, but can also shift as a result of world events, such as earthquakes and other natural disasters. Examples of priority areas are: friendship links; education; disaster relief, etc.
Project Requirements
The goals and objectives of all projects must address one or more of the Club's key priority funding areas and must be consistent with SIVW’s core values of gender equality, empowerment, education, diversity, and fellowship.
Projects must benefit women or girls by improving their social and/or economic status and quality of life.
Projects must address a demonstrated need in the community.
Projects must strengthen Soroptimist as a presence in the community and increase opportunities for public awareness.
Projects must have measurable results.
Projects must be sustainable, i.e., there must be a demonstrated strategy for long-term sustainability through community investment or income-generating activities.
If you know of a local or international project that would be a good fit for SIVW, please submit an application and we’ll be in touch.