Transformative Journey: My Soroptomist Experience

Joining a club often marks the beginning of a journey filled with learning, growth, and community. For me, stepping into the realm of Soroptimist International of Victoria Westshore (SIVW) was more than just a decision; it was a transformative leap inspired by an energy that sparked from an online event during the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Governor Suzanne's mention of an online UN conference in a follow-up email ignited a curiosity within me. The support and warmth I received from her and the club members convinced me that I had found a place where my voice mattered. From that moment, I was welcomed into the Soroptimist family with open arms, never once feeling like an outsider. It was a nurturing environment where my growth wasn't just encouraged but celebrated.

Reflecting on my journey over the past three years, I'm struck by the profound transformation I've undergone. I entered as a shy and reserved individual, hesitant even to send that initial email to Governor Suzanne. Now, I stand confident and empowered, unafraid to approach anyone. This metamorphosis was made possible by the unwavering support and encouragement showered upon me by every member of the club.

Amidst numerous memorable experiences, two stand out vividly. Firstly, the club's extraordinary effort to include me despite financial constraints touched me deeply. Their creation of the Soroptimist Leadership Institute bespoke not only generosity but a genuine commitment to fostering growth. Secondly, my recent journey to the US for a self-discovery retreat, made possible by Soroptimist opportunities, marked a significant personal milestone. The Sisterhood of Soroptimist became palpable as members extended gestures of care and support, reinforcing the notion that wherever I go, I carry the strength of my Soroptimist family with me.

Beyond personal growth, SIVW's impact on the community resonates profoundly. Through diverse programs, the club extends a hand not only to women but to all in need. Witnessing the camaraderie and support within the club, I've come to view it not just as an organization but as a family. Every interaction, every program, becomes a beacon of hope, touching lives in ways both big and small.

The essence of Soroptimist lies in its three pillars: Educate, Empower and Enable. My journey encapsulates these principles perfectly. I've educated myself about the world and discovered my strengths. Empowered by the support of my Soroptimist family, I've stepped beyond my comfort zone. And through the myriad opportunities afforded to me, I've been enabled to grow as an individual and pay forward the kindness and knowledge bestowed upon me.

In essence, my Soroptimist journey has been a testament to the transformative power of community, compassion, and empowerment. It's not just a club; it's a journey of self-discovery, growth, and sisterhood that continues to inspire and motivate me every day.

We invite you to consider how you can get involved to help women reach their full potential and achieve their dreams. Discover the variety of ways you can make a difference in the lives of women with SIVW. If you’re ready to get involved, we would love to hear from you.


A Heartwarming Blend of Community, Cuisine, and Contribution